Sunday, May 6, 2018

Why Do Things Happen

Eight years ago, things were not as simple. We were poor, childless, and I was a thirty something law student. Now, we have two kids and one more coming in June. I am a licensed, non-practicing attorney. What will the future hold? Something terrible? Something wonderous? Who the heck knows? All I know is that this place has no one watching, so I can say what I want and no one is there to view it. A bit liberating. At least until my kids find this place.

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Hello Again Wonky World

Yeah! Day two of blogging and not a single non-American or non-Russian search bot has even graced its presence. That's cool. This blog don't need no haters anyhow.

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

I Return

Hey Bitches,

It's been about 8 years. I am a lawyer who doesn't practice and I have accrued over half a million dollars in debt chasing this convoluted Amurican dream. What have you all been up to?