Monday, October 11, 2010

Goose Egg

No one comes around here anymore. It is slightly liberating, but a little drab knowing that not even the little G+ogle spiders aren't looking into this little corner of the ether anymore. I digress. I have been awake since 9:00 AM Sunday morning. I was working on a project for school that is due on Friday, when I randomly checked my syllabi for Tuesday and found out I had a project due today at 4:00 that I had not even looked at.

It is done and I am a big knot of nervous energy. I once went 4 days without sleeping. That was well before you couldn't buy ephedrine over the counter at every gas station and coffee houses were open 24-7. It's a wonder I got out of high school and community college with most of my teeth.

I have to read about 80 pages of crap for tomorrow morning and I have a 500 word essay on the power of networking due in two hours. The stress... oh God, the thigh slapping, razor blade in the crook of your knee stress... it might be getting to me now.

This weekend, I studied. I need to study harder, longer, faster, and better. And get some sleep.

Project due in 2 hours.

Project due on Friday.

Project due a week from next Monday.

Midterms sprinkled in.

I do not want to be a lawyer. If I have to put up with this shit as a student, what in the hell will the workplace be like?


1 comment:

Jamie said...

I'm still here. :)