Friday, October 12, 2007

Maybe Next Weekend

So, my friend Clint from work asked about my little slice of cyberspace today, and in an effort not to offend her, I read my entire blog to make sure I didn't badmouth anyone I really cared about in some wierd fit of rage (I am a rage-aholic after all), besides calling this person Clint instead of their real name (remember Sylvester Stallone's real name is Marian before you get all huffy about being called Clint, Clint).

Welcome Clint. Anyhow, back to me and my neurotic ego stroking that is this blog. I read it over, and man, have I been a depressing little bitch. Every other post is all "My job sucks" or "I have explosive diarrhea and it isn't the funny kind of explosive diahrrea." Nuts to that. I am going to try to stay positive for at least this post. My future in-laws are coming down to stay at our little Shoebox house, which means that I have to move out for the weekend. No big deal, I can batch it up over at the Shaved Yeti's new ranchero relaxo (for those of you who are new to my little world, I lived with the Shaved Yeti, once, long ago). Alcohol poisoning, here I come.

In other news, I am up to over 16 hand written pages of my book and I haven't run out of plotline in my head like I usually do. Hell, I haven't even written about the magic bathroom mirror that advocates suicide or the back story of Carl the homosexual werepig. Yup, I do believe I have found my niche writing shitty science fiction. Anybody know an unscrupulous agent? Better yet, anybody want to buy an unfinished manuscript for $1000 and a six pack of malt liqour?

Wedding plans are almost totally done. The fiancee is getting a little nervous about writing thank you notes, which is always a good sign that everything is going as planned for the actual wedding. I am excited, she is excited, the families are excited, you could cut fifteen swan sculptures out of ice with my nipples alone.

That is it for me, the weekend approaches, and with it, the promise of grade school girl's basketball games (my nieces', you perverts), drinking with the future father-in-law, and drinking some more with the former roommate. It will be a good weekend. Until Monday...


Anonymous said...

Clint here!
The breaks are just for show. I use the IT guys when I want to stop. I plan on using the scooter for awhile longer after the cast is taken off. I will be able to get more speed then. OH now to you. Make me proud this week end. I know you will. If not with the former roommate, with anyone you can find on the street. You go Portly Gentleman!

Jamie said...

Wait. You have to move out? Why?