Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Goody Gumdrops

Things are going much, much better right now. As in, this moment of time and space, this little, brief speck of dust on God's floor that he always sees when his is dropping a deuce of new universes into the grand scheme of things.

I gave a presentation in public and did not die, although my hands did not stop shaking uncontrollably until twenty minutes after I was finished. I am shy when I am sober, what can I say. I also got a project back and was expecting a terrible grade. I got the highest grade for the project that I have ever received since I started this abortion of learning called law school. It was uplifting.
Friday, I have an interview for an unpaid internship. I am interested in working for the place, even unpaid, but I have a feeling that all I will be doing is looking up murder statistics on federal websites. Does that really require an interview? Still, it's a resume builder.
I signed up for classes for the Spring. I only have to go to class on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The pisser is that I am in class from 9:00 to 7:00. Two one-hour breaks interspersed through the day, but still, that's a lot of time on the kiester.
Miss the family. Want to buy a dog and just take my banjo and hit the road. The wife has already said no to that plan, so I am going to work on income tax homework until I stop daydreaming about a hobo pack and a pocketful of shattered dreams.

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