Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Some things

I think I might have a touch of the depression again. I am busy at work, so cannot write much. But, after taking the first pee break of the day twenty minutes before my shift ends, I thought to myself. I don't know what preceded it, but it just kind of popped in there. I was walking back to my desk, empty bladder and downtrodden soul, when I thought to myself, "Does bad poetry ever get ugly people laid?" Well, nonexistent and most gentle of readers, does it?

1 comment:

aintshakespeare said...

Bad poetry definitely gets ugly people laid.

...not that I know from experience...

Actually, I think an ugly person ability to get laid lies in his/her ugly relationship to the person s/he is trying to bed. And that person level of inebriation and desperation.

If your ugly level is equal to or lower than the person of your desire then their level of inebriation or desperation can be pretty low. But it must be raised if you are higher on the ugly charts.

The bad poetry will only help you if one or, preferably both, of you has a mustache.